
Over the past twelve months I have completed a website on ‘Historic Adelaide’, followed by a website on ‘Historic North Adelaide’. These projects have given me great pleasure as I have walked the streets with my camera at the ready. So it seemed very natural to proceed to a website on ‘Historic Port Adelaide’. The Port has a great wealth of history recalled through its many old buildings. I have found that others have published considerable material already about the Port and its history, so let me say that this website makes no claims about contributing to original historical research. The layout and most of the photos are mine, but the text is largely the work of others, and acknowledged as such.

A typical page of this site will have a line of symbols across the bottom. Rolling over the stick-pin will produce the map location of the building. Rolling over the little house will reveal architectural details, while rolling over the clock face will show historical background. This delineation becomes blurred when information is sparse, and also when much is known! Rolling over the film will produce an old photograph, where such exists. Clicking on the navigational arrows should need no explanation. Some of the text has marked rollovers which also change the photo.

I have adapted the numbering given in the ‘Walk the Port’ Heritage Walking Tour’, obtainable from the Information Centre (at #1). Some extra buildings have been included, and the tour includes various plaques and items not included here. For convenience I have divided the area into North East, South East, and West: This will become clear from the maps.

You are welcome to use any of my photographs, but a link to this site would be appreciated. Because of the rollover nature of many of the photos, you will have to take a screen shot (Macintosh : Command + Shift + 4 ; Windows : PrintScr + Alt).

I hope this site will encourage many to explore and discover the many secrets of this old area. Many of the buildings are sorely in need of some tender loving care. As I wandered the streets I was left wondering whether the Port will regain the glory of its past days, or fall into terminal decline. Let’s hope the former comes to pass!

I would be glad to hear from anyone who spots a correction or who wishes to make a comment on this site. I can be reached at

Paul Scott 7/2010 Revised 1/2015
