Bell Gorge

Return distance : 2.5 km; Time : 1 hour 30 minutes (+ visiting hours!)

Bell Gorge is part of the King Leopold Range Conservation Park. The turn off to access the gorge and the camping area is about 250 km from Derby along the Gibb River Road. Many people choose to sample the Kimberley by just visiting Derby, Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek and Bell Gorge.

Bell Gorge is about 30 km drive along rough Silent Grove Road which branches off the (rough!) Gibb River Road close to Imintji. There is a short but relatively steep descent down from the car park to the Gorge, finishing up by a pretty creek.

From here there is a pleasant view across a swimming pool to a dominating rocky knoll.

Looking the other way, we can see over the waterfall to a rocky amphitheatre containing a much deeper swimming hole.

Walking around the edge of the cliff we can look down on the pretty 10 metre fall.

Walking even further around we can better appreciate the whole picture.

From close to the top of the Fall, we can look down on the rocky platform besides the lower swimming hole.

We can reach this by crossing the stream above the Fall (mind the slippery rocks), and following a track up and over the rocky cliff behind, climbing back down to the left of the photo. This track is quite difficult, and the heat can take its toll. From the rocly platform we can look across the swimming hole to these steep cliffs ...

... and turning left we gain this view of the Falls. Many swimmers enjoy a dip with the crocodiles!

It is easy to see why Bell Gorge is a popular destination. Allow time for the return to the top of the Falls, and then the steep climb back to the car park.