Galvan’s Gorge

Return distance : 2 km; Time : 1 hour

To get to Galvans Gorge you leave your vehicle in the car park right by the side of the Gibb River Road and walk the last kilometre or so. It is the most easily accessible gorge on the Gibb River Road. On the map, it is a dot in the middle of nowhere!

The short walk into the Gorge is very easy and meanders along by the stream flowing from the Gorge..

It is always good to stop and enjoy the wildlife along the way.

Finally we come to the Gorge.

‘Spectacular’ is not the word that comes to mind; rather ‘beautiful’ or charming’.

It is a good sized swimming hole surrounded by greenery and red rocky cliffs ...

... with lovely reflections.

There is an overhanging tree branch with a rope for swinging out over the pool. This is a beautiful memory of the Kimberley.