TRACTRIX : Generation
To see this, modify the graph ... . Question: What is the path traced out by the weight W? No prizes for the right answer here! But it was more of a problem when it was first introduced by Claude Perrault in 1670, and then later studied by Sir Isaac Newton (1676) and Christian Huygens(1692). The required path is the top branch of the tractrix. OCCURRENCES The sculpture below left was created by Robert R. Wilson and is called 'Tractricious'. Well have to take it on trust that it is not a hyperboloid of one sheet! By far and away the most common occurrence of the tractrix is in the design of audio speakers, and the so-called tractrix horn. A large version is shown below centre. The tractrix is also of mathematical interest in the construction of the pseudosphere, below right. We see that this is a solid of revolution, obtained by revolving a tractrix about its asymptote. Although it looks nothing like a sphere, there is a link. A sphere is a body which has constant positive curvature; the pseudosphere is a body which has constant negative curvature. |