Black Hill Conservation Park lies 10 km northeast of the Adelaide GPO. The park covers an area of 684 hectares and is bounded to the north by Gorge Road. To the south it adjoins Morialta Conservation Park along Fifth Creek and Montacute Road. The suburb of Athelstone provides the western boundary of the park while agricultural and quarrying activity occurs along the eastern boundary.

The park conserves spectacular rugged ridges and wooded gullies. There is a comprehensive network of management tracks and walking trails in the park. Native plants in the park range from giant River Red Gums in the valleys, to low heath plants on the ridge tops. Common amongst the heaths are the low sheoaks, which give Black Hill its name. The foliage of the sheoaks gradually matures to a dark rusty, almost black colour, as summer progresses. Looking from the Adelaide Plains, the hills of the Park appear to be black in colour, and in fact can look quite foreboding.