Today we walk the last stretch of the Torrens Linear Park, from Tapleys Hill Road bridge to the sea. From the map it looks as though this might be completely boring, but it turns out to be very interesting. 1 Horses graze on the flat grassy river banks, and they are very happy to be fed some of the much greener grass on our side of the fence. 2 Contentment! 3 Some way further along, across the river, a black swan has been doing a bit of home-making ... 4 The river is lovely along here, just peaceful. 5 And here we are in sight of the sea, visible just beyond the Seaview Road bridge. 6 Please may I have some grass? 7 I guess if you can't catch a horse, this might be the next best thing? 8 The final weir of the Torrens as it flows out to sea. 9 Nice to see some wildlife, but I think this one is nailed to its perch. It is probably called Art. 10 And here is the river mouth. The river configuration varies greatly here according to the weather. Sometimes the river actually flows out a kilometre further north. 11 A pretty sea weed. 12 A handsome gull rests from his scavenging. 13 The gulls taking it in terns! 14 I have always loved these fragile sand cliffs. 15 Now we cross the bridge and walk back along the southern side of the river. The broken water surface in the background is caused by swallows skimming over the river. 16 A friendly willy wagtail. 17 I don't now whether this excess water is caused by river flooding or heavy rainfall. 18 An attractive wattle ... 19 The river flows beyond the bank at left. Water is draining at right, but where from? 20 We turn off the main track a little and discover an unexpected wetlands with boardwalk and beautiful birds including this swamp hen ... 21 ... and this nesting black swan. 22 Nearby is a paper bark tree ... 23 ... and another pretty wattle. 24 So back to the Davis Bridge, carrying Tapleys Hill Road, and back to the car. |