Circuit distance : 2.5 kilometres

This Torrens walk turned out to be rather shorter than anticipated.  The weather report had said ‘Sunny with an occasional shower’, but in practice, all the occasional showers fell on me!  However, it was a treat to see the Linear Park in wet weather mode.  I parked the car at the end of Silkes Road, and walked the short loop back up to the River Drive Footbridge (see the Athelstone walk).

1   There used to be a ford at the end of Silkes Road, but in times of flood this caused problems, so the ford was replaced by a footbridge. (Not helpful for vehicular traffic.)

2   With all the rain, the Fifth Creek was running full pelt into the Torrens.  This little fellow wasn't complaining!

3   Reeds are an ongoing problem in the river, and the authorities have a good clean-out from time to time – usually after a flood.

4   There were lots of ducks out today ... it was lovely weather for ...

5   A pretty autumn reflection at the River Drive footbridge.

6  And just below this footbridge, the Torrens was showing its paces over a little weir.

7   This couple of walkers were quite happy walking in the rain, but I didn't hear any singing.

8   Water was pouring into the river from all sides.  This is a small example of the extensive works along the Park to keep the river clean.  Note the trash rack.

9   This trail marker tells us we are 15 km from the city. A way to go!

10    After a time the trail returns to the Silkes Road Footbridge, here viewed from the northern bank.

11   This menacing flock of pigeons might have given Alfred Hitchcock an idea ...

12  The northern pool up from the Silkes Road bridge is a haven for wildlife.

An interesting walk which I reluctantly concluded at this point.  Walking in the rain and getting wet has limited appeal for me!