

I’m not known for being an observant person, but it is amazing how having a focus increases one’s powers of observation. Travelling a familiar bus route I sometimes particularly look out for colours or textures or people, and discover a whole new scene. Similarly, walking a city which is in many ways familiar to me, but with my focus on historic buildings has revealed a whole new Adelaide – or perhaps a whole old Adelaide! I wonder if you recognize the tower on the right?!

Of course it is not possible to include many (or even most) of Adelaide’s historic buildings here. I have chosen those that I find appealing to look at and/or those which have a good story attached to them. If you have a favourite which is not included here, I would love to hear from you.

On these pages, mouse over an underlined text gives a new photo, illustrating the text. Mouse over the film icon gives an old photo, where such exists, mouse over the notes icon gives background textual material, and mouse over the stickpin gives the quadrant map. In each case, taking the cursor off the link will make the page revert.

Every growing city faces difficult decisions about how much of the old to retain. We will keep intact more of our history and heritage if we have an appreciation of the style and grace of many of our old buildings. Enjoy walking the streets of Adelaide with me!

Paul Scott 12 / 2011



Revised Version 1 / 2015  At this later date I have now completed eight ‘historic towns and cities’, and have learned a few things along the way! The content of this revised version remains much the same, but there are differences in presentation. The photographs are larger. The mouse-overs work better as they now function without a click. Thank you to my wife, Margaret, for helping to correct a number of typos along the way.

Another reason for this redeign is that the original site was constructed with Adobe GoLive, a program which is no longer supported. This new site is produced using Freeway.

I hope you enjoy these improvements to the site.

Paul Scott
