This is a view of a whole panel, with the emblem at the centre. The next photos are just of the contained emblem. •• I can find no reference to this emblem of cross, crown and feathers.
Wafer and Cup – symbols of the Eucharist, with the letters IHS – the first three letters in the Greek translation of the name of JESUS
Pelican feeding her chicks. An old legend tells of a mother pelican drawing blood from her breast to feed her chicks. The analogy is made with the shed blood of Christ.
Basket of bread rolls. The link is the feeding of the multitude by Jesus.
Chi-Rho and fish. The Chi – Rho is again a Greek link to the name of Jesus – this time to the name Christ. Why the fish? In Greek the phrase ‘Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour’ produced the acronym ICHTHYS, the Greek word for fish.
Star and manger bed – reference to the Nativity of Christ.
The sacrificial Lamb. The term ‘Parasceve’ denotes the day of preparation before the Jewish Sabbath.
Manna is an edible substance which God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert during the 40-year period following the Exodus and prior to the conquest of Canaan. The name is said to derive from the question man hu, or What is it?’ asked by the Israelites.
Grain and grape-vine – another reference to the Eucharist.
The knife, sticks and rough altar refer to Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. The Latin word ‘Adsum’ means ‘Here I am’ – words of Abraham, and also the motto of St Ignatius Loyola.
Fruit and vegetables – an emblem for the harvest. Refers to God’s provision. God as ‘the Lord of the harvest’ also has a spiritual meaning.
A repeat of the first panel.