This brings us to the end of a long project. I have greatly enjoyed working with the polyhedra particularly, and have made a number of new personal discoveries along the way. If you have worked through these pages, I hope you too have enjoyed learning new and interesting facts, and have discovered afresh how beautiful these solids are. It was never my intention to provide a complete listing of all the polyhedra. That would be an enormous task. Such a list would include the remaining stellations of the icosahedron (see Coxeter et al below) the stellations of the icosidodecahedron (see Wenninger below) the Catalan solids (see Wikipedia : Catalan below) the Johnson solids (see Wikipedia :Johnson below) the zonohedra (see Wikipedia : Zonohedron below) and many others. I hope you will feel encouraged to investigate these further. Finally, I must say how amazed I have been at the beauty and complexity of the various applets which form part of this project. I express my sincere thanks to Bob Allanson who has spent so much time creating these. Youre a genius, Bob! I am happy to receive from readers any comments or corrections to these pages. Paul Scott |
Coxeter, H. S. M., du Val, P., Flather, H.T., and Petrie, J. F., The 59 icosahedra, University of Toronto (1951). Wenninger, M. J., Polyhedron models, Cambridge (1971). Wikipedia : Wikipedia : Wikipedia : |