What is a polyhedron?

The word ‘polyhedron’ (plural: polyhedra) comes from the Greek poly + hedron = many bases. We shall assume that the ‘bases’, or more commonly ‘faces’, are polygons.

A convex polyhedron is a finite region of 3-dimensional space bounded by a finite number of planes. The part of each plane cut off by the other planes is a polygon called a face. Any common side of two faces is an edge of the polyhedron, and common vertex of three or more faces is a vertex of the polyhedron.

For example, at right is shown a square based pyramid. It is the region enclosed by five intersecting planes, each plane containing one of the faces. It has four triangular faces and one square face (base). It has eight edges and five vertices.

  What is a regular polyhedron?

We now come to the Platonic solids or (equivalently) the regular polyhedra.

Let us remind ourselves of our definition of a regular tessellation. A regular tessellation is a tessellation of congruent regular polygons in which each polygon shares a common edge with each of its neighbours. We noted here that

•• the polygons have to be regular
•• the polygons have to be congruent (the same size, but more importantly the same shape – that is, just one type)
•• adjacent polygons must share a common edge.

We now give the definition of a regular polyhedron. A regular polyhedron is a polyhedron such that

•• the faces are regular
•• the faces are congruent (the same size and shape – that is, just one type)
•• the vertices at are all alike.

Notice that the square based pyramid above may fail on all counts: the triangles need not be equilateral (regular), the faces are not all of the same type, and the vertices are not all alike: the face arrangement at the apex is different from that at the four base vertices.

Some authors make the ‘alike’ condition for the vertices more specific by defining a vertex figure. Think of any vertex as the apex of a tiny pyramid with sides of equal length l from the vertex. Then the vertex figure is the polygonal base of such a pyramid. Vertices which are ‘alike’ will have congruent vertex figures.

The Greek geometer Euclid (left) who lived around 300 BC knew about the regular polyhedra, and wrote about them in his Elements. However, the credit for their discovery is usually given to the Greek philosopher Plato (right) who lived around 350 BC and gave philosophical meaning to the solids: hence, the Platonic solids.

  How many regular polyhedra are there?

When we studied the regular tessellations, we considered m ( 3) regular n-gons meeting at a vertex, subject to the condition that the sum of the interior angles at a vertex should be exactly 360°. The condition for the regular polyhedra now becomes: the sum of the interior angles at a vertex must be less than 360°. (If you think this is not clear, think about the square based pyramid above.)

Let us suppose then that the faces of our regular polyhedron are {n}s, with m meeting at a vertex. Complete the following table, marking with an ‘x’ the entries corresponding to a possible regular polyhedron. Should the table have extra rows or columns?

     interior angle of {n}
     m = 3         m = 4         m = 5   

Now check your results ...

  How many regular polyhedra are there?

When we studied the regular tessellations, we considered m ( 3) regular n-gons meeting at a vertex, subject to the condition that the sum of the interior angles at a vertex should be exactly 360°. The condition for the regular polyhedra now becomes: the sum of the interior angles at a vertex must be less than 360°. (If you think this is not clear, think about the square based pyramid above.)

Let us suppose then that the faces of our regular polyhedron are {n}s, with m meeting at a vertex. Complete the following table, marking with an ‘x’ the entries corresponding to a possible regular polyhedron. Should the table have extra rows or columns?

     interior angle of {n}
     m = 3         m = 4         m = 5   
{3} 60° x x x
{4} 90° x      
{5} 108° x      

The five possible values of {n, m} for regular polyhedra are listed in the above table. No further rows or columns are necessary: six equilateral triangles or three regular hexagons would lead us to a planar tessellation. Notice that strictly, we haven’t established the existence of five regular polyhedra: there is no guarantee that the given polygon combinations will lead to a polyhedron that will ‘close’. However, in fact there are exactly five. These are illustrated below.

{3, 3}
{4, 3}
{3, 4}
{5, 3}
{3, 5}

The notation {n, m} for the regular polyhedra shows that the faces are regular {n}s and that there are m of them placed around each vertex. This notation, devised by Swiss mathematician Ludvig Schläfli (right) (1814 – 1895) is called the Schläfli symbol.

As we observed earlier, the Platonic solids were known to the ancient Greeks. They were described by Plato in his Timaeus ca. 350 BC.  In this work, Plato equated the tetrahedron with the ‘element’ fire, the cube with earth, the icosahedron with water, the octahedron with air, and the dodecahedron with the quintessence (stuff!) of which the universe is made. One can’t help but wonder whether Plato would have preferred there to be just four regular polyhedra!

  Vertices, edges and faces

We defined above the terms vertex, edge and face of a polyhedron. We can easily count the number of each for the individual Platonic solids {n, m}, but you may be surprised to discover that we can actually calculate them from the values of n and m. Suppose our polyhedron has V vertices, E edges and F faces.

First a reminder that Euler’s formula, defined for a planar map of V points, E edges and F regions is VE + F = 2. There are a few constraints here: for example, the map has to be connected (all in one piece), there are no loops (where an edge has endpoints which coincide), no two edges intersect except at a vertex, and every edge starts and finishes at a vertex. You might like to check out some background on Euler’s formula. We observe here though, that Euler’s formula continues to hold for any convex polyhedron.

We take the cube as an example. Think of a skeletal cube, and place your eye close up against the centre of a square face. The cube will appear as at right: a planar graph. The numbers V and E remain unchanged. The exterior region of the graph is of no interest to us, but if in our counting for F we replace this region by the face we are looking through; the number F of faces equals the number F of regions. Hence Euler’s formula holds for the cube. A similar argument holds for each convex polyhedron.

A diagram of this type is called a Schlegel diagram, after the German mathematician Victor Schlegel (1843 – 1905) who discovered it.

Consider now the regular polyhedron {n, m}.

(a)   To calculate the number of edges this polyhedron has:
           How many edges does each face have?
           How many faces are there?
           Try multiplying these two numbers together.
           But this cannot give the number of edges, as each edge is counted more than once. How many times?
           Write down a formula for the number of edges E. (It will involve m and F.)

   (b)   To calculate the number of vertices this polyhedron has:
           How many vertices does each face have?
           How many faces on there?
           Try multiplying these two numbers together.
           But this cannot give the number of vertices, as each vertex is counted more than once. How many times?
           Write down a formula for the number of vertices V. (It will involve m, n and F.)


We should now have three formulae involving V, E, F and m, n. These are:

V – E + F = 2,    E = nF/2,   and   V = nF/m.

Solving these equations (first substitute for E and V in Euler’s formula) gives:

2nmn + 2m
     V  =
2nmn + 2m
     E  =
2nmn + 2m

Check some values of n and m to obtain values of F, V and E for the Platonic solids.


Coxeter, H. S. M., Introduction to Geometry, John Wiley (Edition 2) 1969, Chapter 10.
