After our climb up the tower, we return to the crossing to regain our breath! As we look towards the East, the pulpit and lectern are close to us. Ahead of us is the communion table, and the Eastern window wall. We also notice three (stained glass) windows on either side wall, and a door on the right side, leading to the vestry. INDEX
There are three items of interest on the wall between the pulpit and the tower door. ••• A framed plaque of gratitude from the Norwegian Brigade who were in Dornoch in the summer and autumn of 1942. ••• Another mortality stone set in the wall – this one dated 1790. ••• A plaque in memory of Frederick Nicholson (died 1935) who was beadle in this Cathedral for over 50 years.
Moving closer to the chancel, we see more items of interest. As well as the windows, we can now discern various memorials on all three walls of the chancel.
On the North wall (to our left) there are three stained glass windows, and three memorials (at lower right).
The three windows on the North wall are by Percy C. Bacon, of London, 1926. They were erected in memory of Andrew Carnegie (1898-1919), owner of Skibo Castle, and benefactor of this Cathedral. The subjects [from left to right] represent Carnegie’s interests in Literature, Peace and Music. ••• Literature is represented by a woman holding a book with two crossed torches of learning at her feet. At the apex is an angel also holding a book ‘A Light unto my Faith’. ••• Peace is depicted by Christ with the words ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’ below which the Angel appears to the shepherds proclaiming ‘On Earth Peace, Goodwill to men’. ••• Music is represented by a female figure holding a musical instrument with crossed instruments at her feet and an angel holding a sheet of music over her head. The inscriptions read: • ‘A Light unto my faith Let there be Light; Blessed are the peacemakers On earth peace, goodwill toward men ; Praise be the Lord. • To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Andrew Carnegie of Skibo 1835 - 1919.’
There are three memorials together on the Northern chancel. ••• Left Memorial: In memory of St Gilbert, Bishop of Caithness AD 1222 – 1245 the pious founder and builder of this Cathedral Church. He died in 1245 and was buried at the entrance to this Church. ••• Central Memorial: Remembers Helen C. Fraser (died 1932), wife of the Revd C.D. Bentinck DD, who rests in the Abbey Churchyard, Baddington. ••• Right Memorial: Remembers Charles Donald Bentinck DD, minister here from 1907 to 1934. His pen recorded the annals of this parish, and his vision and leadership restored the interior of this Cathedral.
On the South side the Chancel wall also has three stained glass windows. We see a memorial at right, and a shelf below the windows has accumulated various little candles and other items.
The left window is by Miss Haston (or C.C.Townsend & J.Howson) of London, 1953. It is in memory of Eric, 2nd Viscount Chaplin (1897 –1949) and features his armorial achievement, surmounted by the rising sun and resting on a celtic cross between two stags. It also has roundels of a sailing ship and a country house. ••• The central window, by William Wilson, RSA (1905-72) of Edinburgh 1958, is in memory of Millicent Fanny StClair, Duchess of Sutherland (wife of the 4th Duke).She was an active supporter of many good causes, including lifeboats, the Cripples Guild, and the founder of the Scottish Home Industries (Harris Tweed) and the Golspie Technical School. She was awarded the French Crois de Guerre and the Belgian Royal Red Cross for her founding and running of ambulance and hospital stations in northern Europe during the First World War. ••• The right window, by Crear McCartney of Lamington 1989, commemorates the 750th anniversary of the founding of the Cathedral by St Gilbert de Moravia. This window was paid for by donations from visitors and the town’s people, and was dedicated in the presence of Prince Charles.
This memorial and piscina are found in the Southeast corner of the chancel. The memorial is in memory of William and Mary, Earl and Countess of Sutherland, who both died in 1766. They both died of fever at an early age and are buried ina common grave in Holyrood Abbey. •• The piscina is a small space located near the altar and used by priests for washing their hands or ceremonial objects, such as chalices and goblets. This piscina drains to the cemetery outside.
The large carved communion table was a gift from Miss Haldane of Skibo, in 1919. We notice there is a large memorial tablet on the wall behind.
There are three lancet windows on the East wall of the Cathedral, with a small lancet window above. These are by Christopher Whall (1849 –1924) of London, and commemorate Cromartie, 4th Duke of Sutherland (1851 – 1913). The top light represents the Trinity and the life to come.
The three main lights show Faith, Love and Hope. •• Faith, on the left, is holding a lighted lamp, in a lush green landscape based on Western Canada (a favourite part of the Duke’s lands). •• Love, in the centre, is Christ holding the world. •• Hope, on the right, stands by the anchor, and looks past a boat setting sail. The inscription reads: ‘To the Glory of God in loving memory of Cromartie. 4th Duke and 20th Earl of Sutherland. Born 20 July 1851 – Died 27 June 1913 This window was erected by his widow Millicent and his children, George Granville William, Alastair St Clair, and Rosemary Millicent. This completes our tour of Dornoch Cathedral.
I hope you have enjoyed visiting Dornoch Cathedral with me. As mentioned in the Index, 2024 is a special year for this Cathedral which was founded in 1224.
The main contributing photographers to this site are Willie MacKay and Andrew Kirby. Willie and Andy have worked hard in producing an impressive set of photographs. Contributions are denoted by initials: WM and AK. I especially want to thank Willie who has fielded my endless questions and filled in many gaps.
There are a few other photos used under the Creative Common Licence, and a photo by local photographer James Dillon, which are acknowledged in the text. There are also several screen shots from Google Street View [GSV].
I take little credit for the text which comes from a variety of different sources. One important source relating to the windows is
Dornoch Cathedral has its own website:
I also express my thanks to my wife Margie who dutifully reads through all my websites and checks the typing.
I would be glad to receive any comments, criticisms or corrections to this site. The best websites are those which contain no errors!
Site created 08 / 2024
Paul Scott
James Dillon