

AMaryTAalibatty  BLadyChapelSWindow360geocities

The two-light window on the South side is dedicated to two of Forbes’ memorable forebears: Bishop James Rait; and Bishop John Strachan. James Rait, Bishop from 1742-1778, was the nephew of one of the last Episcopalian parish ministers in Dundee. His uncle, the Rev Robert Rait, was deprived of his charge in 1689, like other Episcopal ministers who remained loyal to the Stuart, or Jacobite, cause and who refused to pray for King William III. In Dundee, Bishop Rait ministered to his flock in his house until 1763, when restrictions lessened and the St Paul’s community resumed worship in a new Seagate Chapel. Bishop Rait died in 1777, at the age of 89. His motto, ‘Dread God’, can be seen at the foot of the left-hand light. •• The right-hand light is dedicated to Bishop John Strachan, Bishop from 1787-1810. John Strachan was born in 1720, ordained in 1764 and came to St Paul’s Seagate Chapel when he was consecrated Bishop of Brechin in 1787. He travelled to London in 1789, as part of the delegation requesting easing of the Penal Laws. These were repealed in 1792. When Bishop Strachan died in 1810, at the age of 90, he was remembered as the last survivor of suffering under these laws, who was known to have to have ‘read the Service’ up to twelve times on one Sunday, each time to the legal number of four people. Appropriately, his motto was ‘Spero meliora’ (I hope for better things). Bishop Strachan was buried in Dundee’s Howff graveyard.       [Photo1 credit: alibatty; Photo2 credit: 360°geocities]  INDEX




Returning now to the front nave, we once more stand facing the chancel, with the lectern and organ to our left. [Photo credit: Ged Hepburn]




The lectern is a rather grand two sided structure, used for supporting the Bible when it is read on a Sunday. Despite its grand appearance, it does not seem to merit any particular mention in the literature.     [Photo credit: Ged Hepburn]





We come now to the chancel where there is seating for the choir. The organ pipes rise up to our left, separated from the choir stalls by the tall backs of three canon stalls – seats of the Canons in the Cathedral Chapter. The small cathedra is tucked in humbly to the right. The cathedra has some interesting carving above its arms, and there are further carved figures alongside the end canon stalls.     [Photo1 credit: S Brown; Photo2 credit: Axel K]




The 3-manual organ dates from 1865, and was built by Hill & Son of London. There have been various modifications since then, including a complete rebuild in 1937.



The cathedra is the chair of the Bishop. The word ‘cathedra’ is Latin for seat, and it is from this word that a cathedral gets its name. •• Above the seat are the diocesan arms, together with the figures of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland, wife of Malcolm III (r. 1069-93), and her son, David I (r. 1124-53). King David established the See of Brechin and is holding a model of Brechin Cathedral, which he founded.


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There are three carved figures at the ends of the canon stalls. The single figure on the Northern (organ) side is shown here at left: St Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, holding his cross. Directly opposite on the South side is the figure of St Modwenna or St Modwen, a 7th century Irish abbess who came to Scotland. At the Eastern end of the stalls on the South side is St Paul, patron of the Cathedral, holding his symbol, a sword.



In the centre of the choir aisle there is a brass and marble slab, presented by Elizabeth Forbes, which marks the resting place of her late brother. A translation of the Latin inscription reads: ‘Here lies Alexander Penrose Forbes, who fell asleep in the year of salvation 1875, of his episcopate the 28th, and of his actual age the 59th’.     [Photo credit: David Striker]




From the chancel we look forward to the apse. An effigy of Bishop Forbes is to our left; an aumbry and sedilia to our right. At centre is the high altar with its impressive reredos – all surrounded by the five stained glass apse windows.     [Photo1 credit: dhhbham]




The impressive memorial, with the recumbent figure of Bishop Forbes, is on the North side of the sanctuary, close to the High Altar. A translation of the Latin inscription on the base reads: ‘Alexander Bishop of Brechin in the year of salvation 1875 in peace’. •• Alexander Penrose Forbes (1817 – 1875) was a Scottish Episcopalian divine, born in Edinburgh. A leading cleric in the Scottish Episcopal Church, he was Bishop of Brechin from 1847 until his death in 1875. He was the founder of St Paul’s church in Dundee, now St Paul’s Cathedral.     [Photo credit: Rupert Nagel]




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To the right of the High Altar is a stone shelf set into the wall, designed to be a credence table, where the vessels and elements are placed before communion, a piscina, where the vessels can be washed, and an aumbry – a cupboard where consecrated bread and wine can be reserved. This is also a monument. It was was added in 1888 as a memorial to Sister Margaret Mary, of the Sisterhood of St Mary and St. Modwenna in King Street, Dundee, bearing the inscription, ‘Sister Margaret Mary in peace, May 26, 1887’. Sr Margaret Mary was a member of the Sisters of the Poor. •• Nearby are the seats shown at right: sedilia – seats for the celebrant and other clergy . In medieval times, as in St Paul’s, these were often stone benches built into a niche in the wall.     [Photo1 credit: Joao Paulino;     Photo2 credit: Axel K]




This feature is made from richly decorated Sienna marble and alabaster, and on the canopies over the seats is a reminder of its function, carved heads illustrating the threefold order of ministry – Bishop, Priest and Deacon – with angel figures on either side. The long inscription at the back of the seats commemorates the Consecration of St Paul’s Church on All Saints Day,1 November 1865.  It also records the names of the 1865 Vestry: Sir John Ogilvy, Bt. of Inverquharity, Christopher Kerr, David Small, Thomas Nicholson, Kenneth Henderson, William Crossthwaite, Oliver Gourlay Miller, Andrew Brown, and John Sturrock.     [Photo credit: Rupert Nagel]




So ... the altar standing in the beauty of the apse ... .     [Photo credit: David]




Above is the vaulted apse ceiling – quite plain here.     [Photo credit: S Brown]

55. APSE WINDOWS 360° (X4)

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Shown here are four of the apse windows: the central window is missing, hidden behind the reredos. It would be interesting to know the scenes depicted.




The High Altar was presented in 1884 in memory of Bishop Forbes (d.1875), by Sister Frances Elizabeth (Frances Bolland), Mother Superior of the Sisterhood of St Mary and St Modwenna. The altar consists of a huge slab of black marble from the Frosterley quarries in Weardale, Co. Durham. It is eight feet long, nearly a foot thick and beautifully speckled with the fossils of sea creatures from over 300 million years ago. [Photo credit: S Brown]




The reredos dates from 1867, and is constructed in alabaster and marble. It is by Clayton and Bell, to a design of Sir George Gilbert Scott. The detailed mosaic work, added in 1875, was made in the famous glass workshop of Antonio Salviati, on the island of Murano in Venice. The subject is Christ in Glory, seated and crowned, with the orb of the world in one hand, and the other raised in benediction. Our Lord is surrounded by cherubim and seraphim, and angel figures, two with censers and others with musical instruments, in attitudes of worship.     [Photo credit: dnhbham]


David Striker


I hope you have enjoyed visiting St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee with me. I have never visited Dundee, so as mentioned in the Index, I take no credit for any of these photos! This site contains a compilation of photographs taken by other people. I am very conscious of copyright, and have tried to give credit for each photo used. Many of the photos are in the public domain.

Individually published photos are no problem, and are all acknowledged in the text.

However, many of the photos occur in ‘public’ groups where it is difficult to locate the owner. Examples of these are Trip Advisor [TA], and Google Street View [GSV]. Where a photo from one of these groups has been used, the letters for the group and the name of the contributor have been included in the text. A special mention to ‘alibatty’ in Trip Advisor for a great selection of window photographs. In a different category are several Cathedral Photos [CP] taken from the excellent History section of the Cathedral website, and several photos taken from 360°Geocities [360] – a very interesting set of ‘spherical panoramas’. Links for the groups are given below.

I am grateful to all who have contributed to this website by making their photographs available. I am sure most people will be happy for their photos to be used so that viewers can share the enjoyment of St Paul’s. However, if anyone has an issue with my use of their photo, please contact me at the email address below.

Here are the group links mentioned above.

[TA] : Trip Advisor Photos of St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee

[GSV] : Google Street View Photos of St Paul’s Cathedral, Dundee

[CP] : Cathedral Photos (under History)

[360] : 360° Geocities


I take little credit for the text which comes from a variety of different sources, including in particular the Cathedral website.

I also express my thanks to my wife Margie who dutifully reads through all my websites and checks the typing.

I would be glad to receive any comments, criticisms or corrections to this site. The best websites are those which contain no errors!


St Paul’s Cathedral has its own website:



Site created 01 / 2025


Paul Scott           




