ahaicon1  11. A LOAD OF RUBBISH   backwardarrow1

The Chief Executive of the Baytein Flit Company sighed as he read the complaint before him.

Dear Sir,
I want to complain about your fly spray – the darn stuff doesn’t work! The other day, me mate drives his truck to the tip at a steady 10 km/h. I follows him an hour later, goin’ at 20 km/h. Just as I leave, I see this great blowie, so I gives him a burst of your spray. He ups and heads for me mate’s truck at a good 25 km/h. When me mate sees him, he gives him a burst from his can, and he comes back to me, not slowed down a bit. Well, I gives him another burst, and off he goes again to me mate’s truck. This goes on until at last I catches up with me mate. Now we have two empty cans, and the *!#? thing is still buzzin’ round me head! Boy, am I mad!
Yours, George Garbo

The Chief Executive smiled as an irrelevant thought crossed his mind. ‘I wonder how far the fly did travel?’ he mused.

Do you know?


Hint 1

Hint 2


