ahaicon       CONTENTS         backwardarrow

How many bears?
2. Out of India
3. Magic hexagon
4. Down on the farm
5. Leaning towers
6. Being earnest
7. A little logic
8. Baffling box
9. A game of golf
10. Double trouble
11. A load of rubbish
12. Some sum!
13. Football scores
14. Geometricks
15. An age-old problem
16. Prisoner’s dilemma

17. Public service
18. One way
19. Dollars and sense
20. Knight’s move
21. In the wet
22. Lost and found
23. Fair go, Pharaoh!
24. Odd man out
25. The right scales
26. Some new maths
27. A contrary cone
28. Get t
he angle
29. Coo!
30. Floral circles
31. Problems in the house
32. It doesn’t add up!
33. Checking the books
34. Arranging a date

35. The hot line
36. A tiling problem
37. Getting fired up
38. Bicycle swindle    
39. A nasty match problem
40. The green grass grew
41. The missing link
42. Now you see it ...
43. Hindu headache
44. How large?
45. Doing the twist
46. As quiet as a domino
47. Board in church
48. Kiss and tell
49. A train pile-up
50. Road Island in the red