ahaicon1   46. AS QUIET AS A DOMINO    backwardarrow1

A domino is a black tile made up of two squares, with sunken white dots. The dots on each of the squares represent one of the digits 0 to 6, and every possible combination occurs just once in a set of dominoes.

How many dominoes are there in a set?

If the whole set of dominoes is placed end to end in a straight line so that neighbouring squares of adjoining dominoes match (e.g 1–6, 6–3, 3–2, ...), can you say anything about the two digits at the ends of the chain? Why does this happen?

Suppose now we remove all the dominoes containing a six (including the double six). Can you arrange this smaller set in a single straight line as above? What is happening here?

dominos                                domino0

Hint 1

Hint 2


