ahaicon1  47. BOARD IN CHURCH    backwardarrow1

I really had trouble concentrating in church this morning. At one stage I glanced at the hymn board, and was surprised to notice that all the digits 1, 2, 3, ... , 9 were included in the three numbers displayed. Not only that, but each of the numbers was a prime number (that is, each number had no factors, apart from itself and 1 of course).

It turned out that the first number was for a chorus and the remaining two were hymn numbers. Now that I am home again (much uplifted from the service!) I have quite forgotten what the numbers were. I do know that we only have 150 choruses in our book, and the hymn book contains 600 numbers. I normally flatter myself on having a good memory. I wonder what they could have been ... .

Note: A table of primes less than 600 is required to solve this problem. If one is not available, the table can be constructed by considering a list from 100 to 600 and deleting multiples of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. Primes not satisfying the problem conditions can also be deleted.

Hint 1

Hint 2


