Springhill Lodge was built in 1897 for Dr Alexander Paterson. It was designed by architect Edward John Woods. Dr Paterson, who came from Edinburgh, took up a position at the Adelaide Lunatic Asylum in 1867, and was gazetted colonial surgeon with responsibility for the Asylum, Adelaide Gaol and the country hospitals. Following his retirement due to ill health he continued in limited private practice from Springhill Lodge. In 1913 Springhill Lodge was bought by the Young Women's Christian Association for hostel accommodation, which was built at the rear. The house is Queen Anne in style, typified by its asymmetrical plan, polychrome brickwork and ornate joinery.
Quoting from Heritage of the City of Adelaide, this building is an important example of a late villa, erected at a time when asymmetrical plan and complex roof forms and flamboyant joinery typified South Australia's contribution to the Queen Anne style. There is notable internal and external detailing with well constructed brick walling, the sandstone and polychrome brick dressings being of particular interest. Now Springhill Lodge has been divided into separate living quarters.
The Queen Anne villa was by far the most sophisticated style of the late 1800s. It was a revival of the redbrick English domestic architecture of the eighteenth century. Classical ornament was arranged in a free and picturesque manner. The pediment, the pilaster and tuck-pointed red brickwork are the features of this style combined in a very consciously asymmetrical way.