An Example from Newtons
I The Relation of Flowing Quantities (Fluents) to one another being given, to determine the Relation of their Fluxions.
If the Relation of Flowing Quantities x, y be
x3 ax2 + axy y3 = 0
it will be found that
: : : 3y2 ax : 3x2 2ax + ay.
In moment o: x x + o , y y + o.
x3 ax2 + axy y3
x3 + 3x2 o + 32 o ox + 3o3 ax2 2aox a2oo +
axy + aoy + aox + aoo y3 3y2o 3ooy 3 o = 0.
Expunge x3 ax2 + axy y3 ( = 0 ) and divide through by o:
3x2 + 32 ox + 3o2 2aox a2o + ay + ax + ao 3y2 3oy 3 = 0.
But whereas o is supposed to be infinitely little, the terms that are multiplied by it will be nothing in respect of the rest. Therefore I reject them:
3x2 2aox + ay + ax 3y2 3 = 0
(3x2 2ax + ay) + (ax 3y2) = 0,
whence the Result.