Other Facts about Primes

The answer to the question of how many prime numbers exist is given by the fundamental theorem:

There exist infinitely many prime numbers.

Euclid was the first to prove this (ca 350 B.C.). His proof is also one of the simplest.

Euclid’s Proof. Suppose that p1 = 2 < p2 = 3 < . . . < pr are all the primes. Let

P = p1p2 . . . pr +1

and let p be a prime dividing P; then p cannot be any of p1, p2, . . . , pr, otherwise p would divide the difference P – p1p2 . . . pr = 1, which is impossible. So this prime p is still another prime, and p1, p2, . . . , pr would not be all the primes.

However the proof of Euclid’s theorem does not give us a way of producing new primes since

2 3 . . . 13 + 1 = 30031 = 59 509.

One of the ways to find all primes less than or equal to N is to list all numbers less than or equal to N and then cross out all multiples of primes. Those numbers left must be primes. This method is called the Sieve of Eratosthenes, named after Eratosthenes (in the third century B.C.) but is obviously not practical for larger numbers. For example if we take N = 100, and we mark in red all multiples of primes, then the remaining numbers (in white) are all the primes.

Some known results about primes ...

In 1845 Bertrand (1822 – 1900) investigated experimentally the properties of (x), the number of primes less than or equal to x. as a result, he conjectured:

For n >1, between n and 2n there is always a prime number.

This was proved by Tschebycheff in 1852.

In 1837 Dirichlet (1805 – 1859) proved that an arithmetic progression {a + nb}, where a and b are relatively prime, contains an infinite number of primes.

There exist arbitrarily long stretches of numbers which do not contain a prime. For example

                                        1000! +2, 1000! +3, . . . , 1000! +1000

is a stretch of 999 consecutive composite numbers.